The 100 Kuruş minted in 1293/1 is a coin from the Ottoman Empire during the brief reign of Sultan Murad V (1876). It was produced at the Kostantiniye Mint, with a total of 7,700 pieces minted. Its rarity is classified as R (Rare) according to the sikke.NET rarity index.
The accession number is marked with the symbol ١, and the minting year is represented as ١٢٩٣.
The obverse features the tughra of Sultan Murad V above the accession number (1) and the term 'sene' (year). The reverse bears the inscription 'Minted at the Kostantiniye Mint', with the Sultan’s accession year (1293) beneath it.
The coin is made of gold and has an average weight of 7.22 grams and a diameter of 22.03 millimeters.
5. Murad · 100 Kuruş · (1293/1) · Constantinople
Category Details Country Ottoman Empire Reign Sultan Murad V (1876) Coin Name 100 Kuruş Metal Gold (Au) Minting Year 1293/1 (Hijri) Obverse Sultan Murad V’s tughra above accession number (1) and 'sene' term Reverse Inscription: 'Minted at the Kostantiniye Mint' and Sultan’s accession year (1293) beneath it Weight (g) 7.22 Diameter (mm) 22.03 Rarity R (Rare) Rare